360voice recently added a scoring streak badge. I'm currently on a 17 day scoring streak. In this time I've played Duke Nukem Forever, Truth or Lies, Bulletstorm, Shaun White Skateboarding, Hasbro Family Game Night, Portal 2, You Don't Know Jack, Red Dead Redemption, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Wipeout In the Zone, Child Of Eden, and Comic Jumper unlocking at least one achievement in each game.
Red Dead Redemption held a 4x XP weekend, which I was able to go from level 28 all the way to 50 and unlock a few multi-player related achievements as well. I managed to 1,000 Truth or Lies using the ever-so-popular fan method. I also purchased what I think is my Game-of-the-Year, Child of Eden, which makes the best use of the Kinect sensor to date.